Adam studied Architecture at the University of Portsmouth and graduated with honours in 2007. Upon returning to Portsmouth University to study for his Diploma in Architecture, Adam has chosen to study with the Urbanism Studio to pursue his interests in the sustainable evolution and regeneration of the city. You can follow the collective work of the Urbanism Studio @ www.urbanismstudio.co.uk

Friday, 3 December 2010


The months of September, October and November have been invested working collectively with the Urbanism Studio and individually. The Urbanism Studio have been studying the city of Istanbul with particular attention paid to the area of the Galata Bridge at the mouth of the Golden Horn and the Bosphorus. Urbanism Studio visited Istanbul at the beginning of October. Since the visit the Urbanism Studio have undergone an in depth study of Urban readings, producing a series of Books titled, Istanbul : A Visual Reponce to the People and Place, Precedent : Major Cities and their Waterfronts, Istanbul : Urban Readings, and Istanbul : Strategy. The ongoing process being undertaken by the Urbanism Studio can be followed by visiting www.urbanismstudio.co.uk.

This blog is the process of my personal thesis development working within the Urbanism Studio. The focus of my study this year is starting with a theoretical exploration of the principles in “Urban Acupuncture”.  The findings will The understanding of these principles will act as the foundation for me to develop my design thesis in Istanbul. Welcome on board, I hope you enjoy the journey…

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